A new urine management option for bed bound and wheelchair using men. For active men, nighttime use is effective.

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At Home Use
Eliminate one of the carers biggest challenges and concerns while reducing injury, stress and time.
Easier Changes
1 Carer - 60 Seconds
No Lifting Required
Applied “from the top down” and only around the penis unlike traditional options.
Minimise Sleep Interruptions
No getting in and out of bed. Carer and loved one both can get much needed full night’s sleep.
Promotes Skin Health
Collect urine before it comes into contact with the skin, significantly reducing the risk of any skin health issues.
Plus, QUICKCHANGE has been clinically proven to prevent pressure injuries (View Study) and it reduces the need for physical contact (many men with developmental disabilities are uncomfortable with tactile touch and care)
Fast & Easy To Change

Place QUICKCHANGE onto body, absorbent/ white side facing up

Fold pointed flap around the penis

Wrap hook-and- loop side around to secure QUICKCHANGE
Additional application methods available for patients with retracted penis, enlarged scrotum, etc.
Trusted by Health and Social Care Settings Throughout the UK:

For Professional Use
Maintain Skin Integrity
QuickChange’s design allows air flow to at-risk skin areas, reducing heat buildup and creating a healthy microclimate. QuickChange absorbs urine and keeps it off the skin which protects patient skin integrity.
Reduce CAUTI by Avoiding Catheters
The most effective way to reduce catheter-acquired UTI’s is to simply not use one. QuickChange is a viable catheter alternative for urinary containment. When a Foley is clinically necessary, the QuickChange can be used in conjunction to reduce the risk of fecal migration to the Foley.
Minimise Staff/Patient Contact
QuickChange improves the changing process with easier, safer changes. No log rolling is required, and a single carer can complete a change with minimal patient contact regardless of the patient’s anatomy or weight.
QuickChanges Are 100% Clinically Successful In Preventing Pressure Injuries
A review of the Mayo Clinic Phoenix’s Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI) data from January to early May 2018 demonstrated 3 mucosal pressure injury (MPRI) related to (r/t) the use of indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) and 9 HAPI r/t urinary incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD).
Reduce Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (IAD)
Found in up to 42% of hospitalised adults, 83% of ICU patients, 41% of residents in long term care1
- Ermer-Seltun, J. Practical Prevention and Treatment of Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis - a Risk Factor for Pressure Ulcers. Ostomy Wound right to correct any errors that may occur within this brochure. Copyright 2020.
Sometimes the best medicine …is dignity.
QuickChange literally wraps around the penis. It saves time, it prevents urine from coming in contact with the skin, it’s easy to change (only necessitating one person) and the individual being treated doesn’t even have to be awake. More importantly, it’s a truly dignified way to deal with a less than dignified medical issue.